Amina Abba Sanda, Augsta Obum Okwute and Aminchi Daniel
Continuing Education and Extension
Services Department,
University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri
is a plan or an organization of the total learning experiences the learner is
expected to engage in under the guidance of an educational institution or agency.
It is a well known fact to educationists that curriculum is central to any
educational programme, its relevance to needs and aspirations of the adult Learners
cannot be overemphasized. Any curriculum which is designed without taking into
cognizance the background, needs and aspirations of the learner will hardly
succeed. Since adult education is primarily a need-based type of education,
curriculum planners are expected to embark on needs assessment so as to know
what should constitute the curriculum goals and objectives. The curriculum must
contain the widest possible range of activities which have the capacity to
attract interest, appreciation and participation. In this vein, the adult
literacy instructors and organizers need to be well trained in principles of
Andragogy. They also need to know the nature of the learners and be well
acquainted with current methods of instructing adult learners. Therefore, to
ensure success, the adult literacy curriculum must address the needs of the
beneficiaries. The paper also discusses the components of a curriculum which
include curriculum structure, objectives, contents, implementation and
Keywords: Need-Based Curriculum for Adult Learners A Perspective