1Arc. Boyce A. Odoko & 2Olokpo Morgan I.

1Depatment of Architecture, National Institute of Construction Technology (N.I.C.T.),Uromi, Edo State.

2Department of Building Technology, National Institute of Construction Technology, Uromi, Edo State.


Transportation and its impact on urban environment, that is, the physical environment, social and economic activities of the urban center is very significant. In urban environment, there is the residential area, the manufacturing area and the central business district. Transportation is very important aspect of any urban center anywhere in this world, regardless of the level of development. Goods are produced at the industrial area, that is, the manufacturing area, these goods must be transported to the ware houses, from the ware houses to the market place. People will buy these goods from the market place and conveniently transport the goods to their respective homes. This process requires good road network that will permeate access to and from these different location in the urban center. There must be a good physical environment, that is, good layout of road network for the people to engage in their economic activities and social life as well. People will need to go to the park for recreational activities with their families. People will go to the cinema to watch movies with their families or friends, people will go for a social night out at the night club and so on. Therefore, the most important thing here is that people must have unfiltered access to these facilities at various locations with comfort in the urban setting.

Keywords: Transportation, Goods and Services, Mobility, Economic Growth, Effective Reliable Infrastructure, Urban growth, Development, Urban Centers and Market Place.

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