Table of Contents
The Impact of Functional Quality Service Delivery on Customer Satisfaction in Nigerian Insurance Industry: A Case Study of Insurance Industry in Osun State
Olaoye, T.B, & Ekundayo, O.A 1-19
An Assessment of E-Shopping Preference and Awareness: The Case of Undergraduate Students of Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria
Abdulrahman Ali Shuaibu 20-47
The Impact of Wastes Generated from Purified Water on the Business Environment Study of Selected Businesses in Ejigbo Local Council Develoment Area, Lagos State.
Bamisile, Julius Ojo, & Hanafi, Dele Ibrahim 48-64
Foreign Direct Investment, Portfolio Flows and Economic Growth in Niger (1980 – 2014)
Ozigbo .A. Sylvester 65-79