Arc. Boyce A. Odoko.
Department of Architecture.
National Institute of Construction Technology, Uromi, Edo State.
Mans’ transportation, moving from one location to the other dates back to pre-historic periods when man was living groups and in caves. They travel at long distances in search of food, and hunting. The mode of transportation then involved consistent walking on their foot. With time, man learned to domesticate animal, at this point, man started using animals to carry himself and his personal items. The use of animals to transport themselves and belongings was made possible with the invention of the wheel. This makes it much easy and convenient for man to move around. As the roads were improved carts, coaches, pulled by animals and wagons with its own engine, this makes traveling much faster at that time. This was followed with the invention of various machines such as the aircraft and steam engines, the locomotive. It was in the 1900’s that Henry Ford made the first motor in the United States of America, This makes traveling more faster. This easy will focus on road transportation as it relates or induces urban expansion along with the automobile, the mode of moving goods and services from one location to the other.
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