Asamu Festus Femi1 , Oloni, Elizabeth Funlayo2 & Onojowho Akpeuwe Harvest

1Department of Sociology, Landmark University, Nigeria.

2Department of Economics Landmark University, Nigeria.


Abstract: Agriculture from the unset has been the main source of Nigeria economy due to its fertile land as over 80% of its populace are involved in this sector. Due to the mismanagement of fund, a vast majority of people engages in subsistence agriculture without adequate capital to expand and increase production. The lack of storage and agro industries to processed as well as dilapidated road network causes food loss resulting to poor economy development and high rate of poverty. The study therefore examines the food security and it implication on national development in Makudi, Benin State, Nigeria. The researcher adopted the structural change theory. The first theory focused on the change in the method of production to boast economy development. Data was collected from a total of 100 respondents on their opinion using the primary source, only 92 were returned back. The survey instrument used was open and closed questionnaire. The sampling technique used was the stratified sample and simple random sample. The population was divided into strata based on age group, sex and income. A sample is them selected from the stratum by picking every tenth Number in random series. The study shows that 34 (36.96%) of the respondents between the age of (21-30) are youth who largely involved in food production. 47(51.09%) are females but with little motivation due to lack of mechanized tools and are self-supportive actively participate in feeding the populations. From the findings, it shows that these set of people are not encouraged due to poor funding of Agricultural sector. This results to underdevelopment in Makurdi. It shows that mechanized farming increases production, boast economy development by generating fund; it reduces the rate of food importation to the country. Finally, finding shows that the people are willing to adopt innovative technology to effect a change in the society on food production However, the following suggestions were made by the respondents that government should provide farmers with mechanized tools at subsidized price to increase productivity. Agro industries should be provided to increase federal funds, to reduce food waste, food stability, improve nutritional content of food, and reduce food price.

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