Environmental Effects of Chemical Fertilizer Production in Nigeria

Environmental Effects of Chemical Fertilizer Production in Nigeria


Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension

Anambra State University, Uli, Anambra State, Nigeria

E-mail: victorokeke67@yahoo.com


The production of chemical fertilizers increases agricultural productivity but it have many environmental effects. These environmental effects take places in natural environment. These environmental effects result in green-house effect, acidification of soil and water ecosystems, and gaseous pollution of the air. Statistical methods are deplored to show the increase in consumption of fertilizers in Nigeria. The water related environment costs are change in quantity and quality of water as a consequence of human activities, contamination with biological and chemical wastes and water related diseases such as malaria, typhoid and cholera. Soil related environmental costs are altering soil constituents. Air related environmental costs are altering the air composition whereas the biological human related environmental costs are the altering of living conditions.

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