Aquaculture Production in a Malnourished Nation

Department of Fisheries,
Akperan Orshi College of Agriculture, Yandev.
The past decade has witnessed an increase in awareness, interest
and growth in aquaculture in Nigeria. In spite of this misconceptions, about this thriving industry still abound. The aim of this paper therefore, is to review the aquaculture industry in order to bring to the understanding of many the meaning of aquaculture and the various processes and practices involved in aquaculture production.
Aquaculture has been defined. A brief history of aquaculture in
relation to its history in Nigeria has been discussed. The importance of aquaculture as a valuable source of protein was stressed and various reasons were advanced to show that aquaculture can make unique contribution to human nutrition, especially in developing nations. The systems of fish culture, facilities of fish culture, the characteristics of a culture species and the various practices adopted in the production and management of an aquaculture system have all been discussed. Constraints in to aquaculture production in Nigeria were also considered.

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