God’s Sovereignty: Implication to the Church

Onwuka, E.S.
Department of Christian Religious Studies,
Federal College of Education, Kano- Nigeria.
E-mail: ejionwuka@yahoo.co.uk
The paper starts by making it clear that despite what people think; God is absolutely in control of history. The paper continues by stating that it aims at making the church to look inward for the solution of the numerous problems of this nation. The working definitions of the terms “church” and “sovereignty” are given. Church as used here is a collective name of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Sovereignty of God on the other hand, simply means that God is infinitely supreme over all. It goes ahead to show that the sovereign God, can use anything and any circumstances – good or bad – to accomplish his purpose. It goes on to enumerate some calamities in this nation maintaining that God has allowed it to come to us for a purpose. It reminds Christians that they are both
salt and light of this nation. If the nation is decaying and all groping in darkness, it could be because the church has failed in her God-given responsibilities. It therefore calls on the church to consider her ways and go back to God so that the sovereign God can heal our nation.

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