Offtake from Smallholder Village Poultry Flocks: The Case of Hawkers of Fowls and Eggs along Major Roads in Sokoto State UMAR I.M1 AND HASSAN, W. AKIN2 1School of Engineering, Federal Polytechnic, Kaura Namoda, Zamfara State 2Department of Animal Science, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto State E-mail:

Twenty-nine (29) copies of an open ended questionnaire were
administered at Gangaren Dange and Dogon Karfe from October to
December 2010 to determine the sources of indigenous poultry and eggs and various distributions from flocks to consumers. Items covered in the questionnaire included: the respondent’s particulars, species of poultry and eggs supply, and motivation, challenges and prospects. The two locations were under Dange Local Government and Bodinga Local Government, respectively. Information obtained was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results obtained showed that about 60% of the hawkers had an experience of about 20 years in the business; the average capital outlay was about #18,000; most of them generated less than #2,000 per week. Almost all the respondents hawked both domestic fowl and guinea fowl; barely three-quarters sourced their fowls and eggs through rural collectors in about a dozen villages.

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