1Yunana Mba Abui, 2Makarau S.B. and 3Banta, A. L.
1Department of Environmental Management
2&3Department of Agriculture
Kaduna State University, Kafanchan Campus, Kaduna State, Nigeria
E-mail: abuimbayunana@yahoo.com,
Wild life species is one of the forms of living organisms that comprises of biodiversity. The Nigeria environment is the home to many native and exotic wild life species. The paper reviewed the survey of endangered animal species and its importance for sustainable environment in Nigeria. The specific objectives of the paper are to assess the importance of animal species in Nigeria, to examine the reasons for animal attack, and to suggest ways of realizing environmental sustainability in Nigeria. The findings showed that ten of the Nigeria animal species are endangered due to habitat loss, hunting poaching, civil wars pollution and other human interferences. The wild life species are important for the maintenance of biodiversity, environmental sustainability, boosting of tourism, besides making the Nigerian environment beautiful and exciting place to live. It is recommended that the government should intensify the awareness campaign on the danger of animals going extinction, re-defining Decree No.11 of 1985 of the National House of Assembly to include amphibian and other endangered animal species, government should not grant permission for the killing of the endangered species, road safety laws should extend to prohibiting killing of animals species, all non-poisonous snakes should be labeled endangered species in an attempts to preserve them. Nigerian government should therefore put more efforts towards the protection of endangered species so that they do not become extinct due to their importance and relevance to development.