Laboratory-Accounting (PART 2)

Udeajah, V.N. and Okereke, E.
Department of Medical Laboratory Science,
Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki
E-mail add:,,

Land Use Act and Socio-Economic Development Imperatives Aneze, E.U

Department of Surveying & Geoinformatics
Enugu State University of Science & Technology, Enugu


Land is among the most valuable natural resources bestowed on man. His life is a repertoire of efforts to interact with land to provide his needs since the dawn of civilization. However, the riches of land can be destroyed and / or exhausted if mismanaged. It is therefore incumbent on man to adopt a proper land husbandry
procedure to ensure that the resources of land are used to satisfy his needs of today and at the same time conserve some for tomorrows needs. This paper highlights the origin of land tenure system in Nigeria, the desirably or other wise of the land use Act,
main provisions of the Act and the provisions of the Act and the challenges of MDGs. The discourse was able to buttress the view that the land use Act was conceived with noble objectives, but its implementation over the years has been fraught with problems
thereby constituting a dog in the wheel of national development and an impediment to socio-economic growth of the nation.

Comparative Study on the Haematological Characteristics of Malaria Infected and Malaria Non-Infected Persons Referred to Art/HIV Laboratory, Abia State University

Teaching Hospital, Aba, Abia State.
1Etusim, P.E., 2Ihemanma, C.A., 1Nduka, F.O., 3Melariri P.E., and 4Ukpai, O.
1Unit of Medical Parasitology and Entomology, Faculty of Biological and Physical Sciences,
Abia State University, Uturu.
2Unit of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology, Abia State Polytechnic, Aba.
3Division of Pharmacology, Department of Medicine, University of Cape Town Medical School K45, Old
Main Building Groote Schuur Hospital, Observatory 7925, South Africa.
4Department of Zoology, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State.
Email addresses:,


People infected with HIV/AIDS frequently have hematological derangements which include anaemia, Leucopenia, and Thrombocytopenia. In this study, hematological
parameters between malaria positive(+) and negative(–) HIV infected persons referred to ART/HIV laboratory, Abia State University teaching hospital, Aba were compared.
Blood samples collected for haematological assays were run using an automated full blood counter and malaria parasitaemia was determined by blood smear microscopy. A
total of 490 adults living with HIV parasites were examined. Of these 373(76.1%) were found to have malaria while 117(23.3%) had no malaria infection. Haematological analysis of blood samples showed higher mean values of RBC (×1012 /μL)(4.66±4.28 for
(–)/3.80±2.30, for (+),WBC(×109/μL)(5.39±1.68 for (–)/5.35±3.61 for (+), HB(g/dl)(12.16±2.41 for (–)/10.44±2.09 for (+),HCT(%)(36.42±6.71 for (–)/32.45±15.82
for (+),MCH(pg)(28.67±3.76 for (–/28.32±4.38 for (+), MCHC(g/dl)(33.28±1.38 for (–)/32.64±2.37 for (+), PLT(x109/μL)(233.56±123.26 for (–)/227.20±93.98 for (+)LYM(%)(50.83±56.78 for (–)/41.53±13.67 for (+), NEUT(%)(39.68±14.66 for (–
)/37.98±19.19 for (+), for malaria uninfected persons. Lower mean values of MCV (FL)(85.54±10.03 for (–)/86.63±11.09 for (+), MXD(%)(16.08±9.93 for (–)/23.04±28.83
for (+) were observed in malaria uninfected persons. The variation seen in the mean

Assessment of Water Supply Potential of the River Ethiope ENAMUOTOR B.O

Department of Civil Engineering
Delta State University, Abraka, Oleh Campus


Although water is an abundant natural resource, available in the rivers, streams, and wells to meet the needs of people, water of adequate quantity and acceptable quality is not always available to the consumers. This is the problem facing Abraka and its environs. River Ethiope with a catchment area of 493.50km2 at Abraka is naturally drained with stable and well defined slopes, firm bank and bed and very clear water. If the water is properly harnessed and utilized, it can be a boom and of immense value and no small measure enhance the economic, social and industrial well
being of the people of this region. Four years of daily water stage and 20 years simulated river Ethiope watershed run-off coupled with two (2) years stream flow and head measurements were used for the assessment. The result shows a yield of 966.50 × 10􀬺m3, which can be generated from the river per annum. The combined water requirement of Abraka is 28.359 × 10􀬺􀝉􀬷/􀝕􀝁􀜽􀝎. The current water demand and forecasted water demand up
to year 2033 can be met by resources in the basin. This paper also revealed that the water requirement of the towns through which the river transverse can be met.

Determination of the Most Appropriate Least Squares Method for Position Determination in a Triangulation Network

Omogunloye O.G.1, Qaadri J. A.2, Oladiboye O.E3 and Oshode J. O4 1Dept. of Surveying and Geoinformatics, University of Lagos, Lagos 2Dept. of Surveying and Geoinformatics, Federal School of Surveying, Oyo, Oyo State 3Dept. of Surveying and Geoinformatics, Yaba Tech, Lagos 4Dept. of Surveying and Geoinformatics, University of Lagos, Lagos E-mail:


The Fundamental Least Squares Observation Equation Method of Adjustment is reviewed using a case study of a Triangulation network. Four Alternative techniques were applied. They are: Simultaneous, Sequential, Phase and Combined (Phase &
Sequential). Based on computational results obtained from these techniques suggestions were made as to the merit of one method over the other.

Effects of Verbal Communications on Experiences of Discomfort in Women Undergoing Mammography Examination

L. Arthur, S. Anim-Sampong, W.K. Antwi, J.N.K. Gawugah, S.Y. Opoku,
E.K. Ofori, D. Sule, V.K. Hewlett, and E.A. Mensah
Department of Radiography, School of Allied Health Sciences,
University of Ghana Korle Bu, Accra, Ghana


Mammography is an important radiologic modality using ionizing and non-ionizing radiation in medical imaging of the breast as well as for breast examination, screening and detection of breast cancers. The procedure is however known to be associated with discomfort and pain which could otherwise impact adversely on
patient participation. Hence, several management strategies including verbal communication which is given prior to examination have been adopted to alleviate associated pains and discomfort.

A Laboratory Investigation of Di-electric Characteristics of Electrical Insulation

Materials in Air and in Oil
1Lawal, A.O. and 2Resham D.
1Department of Electrical Engineering, Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin.
2School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Herriot-Watt University, United Kingdom.


Electrical measurements of insulation in air and in oil were performed on four different types of insulating materials – two cellulose based and two polymeric materials. Extensive measurements were carried out in air and in oil on the selected
materials. Results of their breakdown voltages show higher values for insulations soaked in oil than those measured in air. It also shows that cellulose based materials have better performance in oil than polymeric, and they equally show a recovery rate of up to 70% in oil. All materials tested show averagely high breakdown strength for a long time (≥5hrs) before deterioration under stress. To confirm this, the materials were maintained in transformer oil at 100 deg. Celsius for five hours and then subjected to a high dielectric strength.

Sustainability and Suitability of Polycarbonate in Public Building: An Overview

Bashir, U.M., and Haruna, A. U.
Architecture Programme, School of Environmental Technology
Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi


Sustainable building is an environmental approach to the creation of new structures as well as remodeling existing once; hence, the concept of green buildings. Green buildings seek to make the best use of materials that are sustainable or that are
renewable in nature. The attempt to reduce the collective environmental impact during production of building components, during the construction process as well as during
the life cycle of the building: hearting, electricity, use etc. motivated this work. The purpose is to highlight the material importance, its suitability and applications in public

Optimizing Natural Gas Assets from Marginal Fields in Nigeria Koso I.I.* and P.N. Onwuachi-Iheagwara** Department of Petroleum and Gas Engineering, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria

*Delta State University, Abraka, Oleh campus, Oleh, Nigeria
Email: *; **


This paper presents the results of the investigations on effectively integrating natural gas to getting the best economic values from marginal fields. Effective organograms and assets management are major keys that will drive the exploitation and effective
monetization of natural gas from these fields. Natural gas is an important input to the success of major sectors of the economy, and therefore, should be properly exploited
from marginal fields.

Laboratory-Accounting (PART 1) Udeajah, V.N. and Nworie A.

Department of Medical Laboratory Science
Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki
E-mail add:,

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