Bienonwu Emmanuel Osemeke
Department of Anatomy
University of Port Harcourt, Port-Harcourt, Nigeria
Body mass indices (BMI) were determined in one thousand (1000)
subjects of both sexes between the ages of 10—18 years. This
comprised of 500 students from day secondary school (261 males and
239 females) and 500 students from boarding school (259 males and
241 females). The result obtained showed that 490 students
constituting 98% of day school students had normal BMI with mean
BMI of 22.56 ±1.23. 10 students constituting 2% of day school students
were overweight with mean BMI of 27.24±3.08. While statistical
analyses from boarding school students showed 429 students
constituting 85.8% with normal BMI with mean BMI of 21.56 ± 1.13.71
students constituting 14.2% of boarding school students were
underweight with mean BMI of 17.40 ± 0.34.


Udeajah, V.N, and Nworie A.
Department of Medical Laboratory Science
Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki
In this write-up, we will show how laboratory-Accounts will
help the Scientist in making managerial decisions. When
analyzing your Account, we start the analysis by some
adjustment to the balance sheet. We shall separate the
Assets into Fixed and Current Assets. Fixed Assets are the
assets that are more likely to remain in the Laboratory for
a long time, for example: “Land and Buildings” will be part
of the laboratory possibly forever. Fixed Assets are in
general not easy to convert into cash. Current Assets are
more easily converted into cash and comprise of things like
cash, debt, and closing stock. Liabilities are separated into
Current Liabilities and Owner’s Equity. The new balance
Sheet will show more clearly the reason for the

The Challenges of Entrepreneurship Development in Nigeria and Way Forward BABA, G.K.

1 & 2 Department of Business Education,
3French/Linguistics Department,
College of Education Zing, Taraba State, Nigeria.
The priority of any nation is the ability to utilized internal resources that is
endowed in the land through a good culture of entrepreneurship which
usually yields to sustainable development. A culture of good
entrepreneurship, more especially internal resources transforms poor
economy of a nation and makes a way forward. This paper argues that
through effective participation and performance of entrepreneurship will lead
to a true and meaningful economic transformation of the Nigeria economy.
Nigeria, like all other developing countries is as a result of these problems
experiencing syndromes of poverty, which the developed industrialized
countries never experienced. This paper focus attention on meaning of
entrepreneurship culture, the role of entrepreneurship in sustaining
development, constrains to the development of entrepreneurship, how to
ensure a culture of good entrepreneurship in Nigeria etc. to ensure that
futuristic plans were actualized. Finally, recommendations and conclusion
were made.

Money Supply and Inflation in Nigeria 1986-2009 ODIBA E.O.1, APEH A.S.2, AND DANIEL E.J.3

1Department of Business Administration and management
Nigerian Army Institute of Technology and Environmental Studies
Makurdi, Benue State.
2Department of Economics,
Kwararafa University, Wukari, Taraba State.
3Department of Economics,
Umar Suleiman College of Education, Gashua, Yobe State
A rapid and persistent increase in the general prices of goods and services
is harmful to the economy in various ways. It is for this reason that price
stability is a prime objective of economic policy all over the world. In
Nigeria, Government has implemented a number of anti-inflation
measures but with limited success. This may be due to an inadequate
understanding of the inflationary process. While there is considerable
disagreement on the causes of inflation, one of the most frequently cited
factor is the money supply. The results of the existing works on the
importance of money supply in the inflationary situation in Nigeria are
mixed. It is against this background that this study investigated the effect
of the money supply on inflation in Nigeria between 1986 and 2009. It
also examined the effect of aggregate demand on inflation. The objective
of this study is to ascertain how far the money supply can explain the
inflationary phenomenon in Nigeria. The study uses secondary data
obtained mainly from the Central Bank of Nigeria’s Statistical Bulletin and
World Bank data base 2011. The data were analyzed principally by
multiple regression method using the ordinary least square method. An
ADF test indicated that some of the variables used were stable at levels
and others at first difference. Other tests are; the GARCH model,
Johansen cointegration. Based on the results of the analysis and test the
study concluded that the money supply and aggregate demand were the
main determinants of inflation in Nigeria during the review period. Given
this conclusion, it was recommended that the Central Bank of Nigeria
should concentrate on controlling the growth of money supply while the
policy of fiscal restraint is used to curb aggregate demand. This would
lead to a moderation of the increases in the price level.

Marketing Strategies: Rebranding as a Means of Redeeming Corporate Image of Products and Organizations

Department of Marketing
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State – Nigeria
This paper discussed on marketing strategies: rebranding as a means of
redeeming corporate image of a product and organization. The study sees
rebranding as a marketing strategy in which a new name, term, symbol,
design, or combination thereof is created for an established brand with
the intention of developing a new, differentiated identity in the minds of
consumers, investors, and competitors. It noted that Strong brand can
create options of growth, command market share, barrier of entry for
competitors and consumer loyalty. The researcher concluded that
rebranding is mostly necessary especially if the corporation feels they
have to meet with the competitive demand of market forces. Rebranding
is a continuous process. For as long as the company exists it is worthwhile
for the corporation to be involved in rebranding. It is recommended
therefore, that corporation should be involved in rebranding from time to

Appraisal of Change in Investors’ Behaviour During and After the Speculative Bubbles and Crashes of the Nigerian Capital Market

Department of Economics,
Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo State, Nigeria.
The high appraisal of the aggregate market in respect to high price earnings
ratio and high asset prices experienced in the equity and asset markets in the
end of 1990s and the imminent fall 2008 ascribed to the speculative bubble
crash and consistent with investors’ irrational behaviour, wrong human
judgement of the 2008 market decline due to bad credit lending. It is against
this background, that the study appraises how both active private and
institutional investors’ are influenced by these biases and what influences them
to change their investment portfolio during and after the speculative bubble and
crash of 1998 to 2009. The use of questionnaires was adopted and directed to
both institutional and private investors to get an understanding of what their
trading pattern was like; and looks at the behavioural bias that influenced their
method of stock picking in the past. The result obtained during the analysis
shows that market participants during the speculative bubble and decline of the
market are irrational in their decision and this change the composition of the
market. During the high valuation in equity price of companies, behavioural
factors influenced investors’ decision. This result shows that the fundamental
value of a company did not affect market overvaluation. The media also played
an important role in disseminating information to both investors. Media proved
to be most effective in determining the fundamental valuation of assets today
when personal intuition has a great impact on investment decision. The
overconfidence bias also influences the decision of investors’ greatly during the
speculative bubble this explains the self-attribution and hindsight bias in
investors. The fact that most investors’ consider the market overvalued shows
the manifestation of this bias. This supports the EMH theory that investors’
think that they can predict and outperform the market. Conclusively, the
common knowledge of the factors underlying the speculative bubble before its
imminent burst and the way psychological factors influences our decisionmaking
should stand as a guide against a reoccurrence of this phenomenon and
improve the efficiency of today’s reviving financial market.

The Anti Trypanosomal Potential of Vanadium: Its Effect on the Lipid Profile of Trypanosoma congolense in Vitro

Department of Biochemistry
University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria.
In search for new therapeutic agents against Human African
Trypanosomiasis, an in vitro investigation of the impact of vanadium
on the lipid profile of T. congolense, a causative agent of nagana in
animals, was carried out. Purified bloodstream forms of the
parasites were incubated with graded concentration (1.0 x 10-1M to
1.0 x 10-8M) of V2O5 and the effect on total lipid, total polar, total
neutral and fractions of both polar and neutral lipid components
studied separately. Data from this investigation reveal that
vanadium, as its oxide; bring about a reduction in the total lipid
content of the parasite by about 48.94% to 52.20% while the total
polar and total neutral lipids suffered reduction by about 56% to
60% and 40% to 47% respectively. The effects of the metal on the
polar and neutral lipid fractions show greater variation. This reduced
level of total and fractional lipid components may pose a challenge to
the parasite in terms of membrane structure and function as well as
general metabolic activity. Therefore, vanadium may be a basis for a
potent chemotherapeutic agent useful against Trypanosoma species,
the pathogens of trypanosomiasis.

Effect of Aframomum danielli on the Keeping Quality Characteristics of Akara

1J.K. IKYA, 1P.T. NONGOMIN AND 1A. IORBEE 1Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Agriculture, Makurdi. Benue State, Nigeria. 1E-mail:
Akara has remained to be popular diet in Nigeria and other African
countries because it is cheap, readily available and contains good
quality protein that could sustain health growth and normal
development in children. Akara is traditionally produced by deep
frying in oil paste obtained from mixing cowpea flour and water. In
spite of the fact that preparation of Akara from fresh cowpea seed
is labour intensive and time consuming, it has a shorter shelf-life due
to its high moisture and fat contents. Associated with the fat
content is the lipid oxidation occasioned by high temperature of
deep-frying and putrefaction, causing ropiness by Bacillus subtilis
respectively. In this study to elongate the shelf life of Akara
cowpea flour: Aframomum danielli powder formulated blends were
mixed with water to form a paste which were made into balls, deep
fried, cooled and packaged and unpackaged to study the effect of
the Aframomum danielli on microbiological, chemical and sensory
properties of Akara. Results of microbiological analysis showed
that Aframomum danielli exhibited inhibitory effect on spoilage
microorganisms both for packaged and unpackaged Akara samples
kept at ambient condition. Analysis of Peroxide value showed the
samples maintaining the 10 threshold with sample D (3g Aframomum
danielli powder + 100g cowpea flour) having a relatively low value
compared to the other samples from day 1 to 5 thus implying a
lesser chance of going rancid. Free Fatty Acid values observed for
sample D(0.22, 0.67) from day 1 to 5 were lower than other samples
particularly A(0.56, 1.35) thereby indicating the storage stability of
fat present in the product. In terms of Thiobarbituric Acid, sample
D(0.5 – 0.73) had lower values from day 1 to 5 compared with A(0.55
– 1.42), B(0.53 – 0.97) and C(0.51 – 0.87) further stressing increased
storage stability of the Akara due to low level lipid oxidation in
samples containing Aframomum danielli. Sensory evaluation results
Effect of Aframomum danielli on the Keeping Quality
Characteristics of Akara
showed Samples A and B as most preferred in terms of color and
texture while sample D was significantly different from other
samples in taste and overall acceptability. In all the study showed
that akara spiced with Aframomum danielli at levels 1g-3g were
generally more acceptable and showed greater shelf stability than
un-spiced Akara.

Effect of Tillage on the Yield of Bitter Leaf (Vernonia amydalina) in Southern Nigeria

Department of Agricultural Technology, School of Agriculture,
Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro.
This research was carried out in School of Agriculture teaching
farm in Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro between June – October

  1. Most farmers do not carry out tillage before planting, the
    need therefore to evaluate the effect of tillage on the growth
    performance of bitter leaf. Bitter leaf stems collected from Oleh
    Market, a nearby village were planted in a Complete Randomized
    Block Design (CRBD) with three (3) replications. Some stems were
    planted on ridges while others were planted on flat land. Parameters
    measured are number of leaves, number of branches and plant
    height. Data collected were subjected to student T-test. The result
    revealed that bitter leaf planted on ridges had more number of
    leaves of 24.67. 63.17, 77.67, and 120.0 as against those planted on
    flat land of 19.33, 55.67 and 95.67cm. Bitter leaf planted on ridges
    had better number of branches of 8.3, 8.3, 13.67 and 13.67cm than
    those planted on flat land of 5.6, 10.33 and 10.33cm. The plant
    height followed the same trend of those planted on flat land having
    13.0, 19.33, 25.83 and 44.73cm as against 19.33, 30.0, 43.83 and
    63.27cm. There was significant difference between the
    performance of bitter leaf planted on ridges with those planted on
    flat land in terms of; number of leaves, number of branches and
    plant height at (P>0.05). Hence, planting on ridges is recommended to
    farmers to boost the growth performance of bitter leaf.

Determination of Conformance of Germination in Seeds of Different Size Classes of Nauclea diderrichii

1 & 2Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management,
Cross River University of Technology, Obubra Campus
3Department of Forestry and Wildlife Resources Management
University of Calabar, Calabar.
Three different size classes (Large, Medium and Small) of the seeds of
Nauclea diderrichii were tested under humid propagator and in the open
nursery bed. The seeds were weighed and the average fresh weights
were 0.75kg, 0.70kg and 0.50kg for the large, medium and small seeds
sizes respectively. The average lengths varied from 2.2cm and 2.9cm
while the girths were from 2.0cm and 2.6cm. Results show that the
medium seed size class had the highest germinative capacity of 92.5%
though not significantly different from others. It is obvious the
environmental conditions under which the seeds were kept contributed
significantly to their germination. However, a spurious peak value
observed was higher than the true peak value for all seed size classes.
The small seed size class had the best germination value which is an
interaction between mean daily germination and the peak value both in
the open and under humid propagator.
Keywords: Humid propagator, Germinative capacity,

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