Perception of Fisheries Students of Niger Delta University to Fisheries as a Profession

Department of Fisheries/Livestock Production Technology
Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State, Nigeria.
A narrative study on the perception of the Fisheries Students in the
Niger Delta University on their course of study and their expectation about the profession was carried out. A normative selection of respondents was done and 50 questionnaires successfully administered irrespective of the student’ level of study. The credits obtained at Secondary School Certificate examination had the highest point of what determined the choice of study. Although, 54% of the respondents did not initially chose Fisheries as a course of study, the highest point of 4.44±0.95 on a scale of 5 showed they have great expectations about the profession and perceived that it is a promising profession. The role of the Professionals should be to encourage recruitment to sustain the profession with the collaborative efforts on the part of the Government.

Offtake from Smallholder Village Poultry Flocks: The Case of Hawkers of Fowls and Eggs along Major Roads in Sokoto State UMAR I.M1 AND HASSAN, W. AKIN2 1School of Engineering, Federal Polytechnic, Kaura Namoda, Zamfara State 2Department of Animal Science, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto State E-mail:

Twenty-nine (29) copies of an open ended questionnaire were
administered at Gangaren Dange and Dogon Karfe from October to
December 2010 to determine the sources of indigenous poultry and eggs and various distributions from flocks to consumers. Items covered in the questionnaire included: the respondent’s particulars, species of poultry and eggs supply, and motivation, challenges and prospects. The two locations were under Dange Local Government and Bodinga Local Government, respectively. Information obtained was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results obtained showed that about 60% of the hawkers had an experience of about 20 years in the business; the average capital outlay was about #18,000; most of them generated less than #2,000 per week. Almost all the respondents hawked both domestic fowl and guinea fowl; barely three-quarters sourced their fowls and eggs through rural collectors in about a dozen villages.

Table of contents

Fighting Corruption in Nigeria (Titus 2:7-13): A Hermeneutico-Theological Approach

John Arierhi Ottuh                                                                                                                   1-21    

The 21st Century Scramble for Africa’s Resources: Issues and Problems

Adesanya, Olusegun Paul                                                                                                        22-34

Trapped in the Spider’s Web: Black Man’s Experience in The Lonely Londoners and

in Native Son

Maureen Amaka Azuike,                                                                                                         35-43

The Wedlock of Necessity: African Literature and Popular Nigerian Music as Potent Weapons against Corruption and National Insecurity

Longdet, P.S.
Department of English
Federal College of Education, Pankshin, Plateau State, Nigeria.
The author of this paper adopts a sociological critical approach to study selected novels, poems and Nigerian popular music. The selected works have as thematic concern, the socio-political state of the Nigerian politics. The author highlights the trajectory bonding between popular music and African literature in, language,
issues, biting sarcasm, reactionary effect from the society and a desire for revolution and re-evaluation. The findings reveal that a holistic conscious combination of these art forms can be an effective tool in combating the monstrous canker-wormic corruption and national insecurity that seem woven into
the fabric of the nation. The paper concludes that, scholars, critics and writers (literature and songs) should foster a common conscious movement that will integrate these art forms in positive ways to combat these ills that threaten our sanity and the foundation of our nationhood.

Biblical Teaching on Holiness and its Social Significance in Contemporary Society

1Adesegun, A.A. and 2Ogunewu, M.
1Department of History and International Studies,
Babcock University, Ilisan-Remo, Nigeria
2Faculty of Theological Studies,
Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, Nigeria
The contemporary significance of the biblical message is subject to controversy in many quarters. While some believes that the lessons they teach are relevant in a postmodern world, there are others who contend that they are outdated and so has no implications for societies such as ours. This article examines the Holiness message, one of the moral teachings of the Bible and states emphatically that just as the social teachings of the Bible and the standard of ethics they represent were relevant to the social needs of their time, so also are they relevant today and will continue to be relevant in the foreseeable future. It gave an analysis of the lessons and highlights its social significance emphasizing that any community which
adhere to this teaching will enjoy a great deal of peace and quiet.

God’s Sovereignty: Implication to the Church

Onwuka, E.S.
Department of Christian Religious Studies,
Federal College of Education, Kano- Nigeria.
The paper starts by making it clear that despite what people think; God is absolutely in control of history. The paper continues by stating that it aims at making the church to look inward for the solution of the numerous problems of this nation. The working definitions of the terms “church” and “sovereignty” are given. Church as used here is a collective name of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Sovereignty of God on the other hand, simply means that God is infinitely supreme over all. It goes ahead to show that the sovereign God, can use anything and any circumstances – good or bad – to accomplish his purpose. It goes on to enumerate some calamities in this nation maintaining that God has allowed it to come to us for a purpose. It reminds Christians that they are both
salt and light of this nation. If the nation is decaying and all groping in darkness, it could be because the church has failed in her God-given responsibilities. It therefore calls on the church to consider her ways and go back to God so that the sovereign God can heal our nation.

“Beyond Amnesty: Religion as a Tool for Homeland Security in Nigeria”

1David T.E. and 2Akpobome .D.
1Departments of Religious Studies and Philosophy
2Department of Languages and Linguistics
1&2Delta State University, Abraka.
Disasters and terrorism make the world an insecure home for humankind. From the militant movement of several groups fighting in the Niger Delta, a new form of insecurity has arisen: Boko Haram. While political amnesty has failed to curb
the youth’s thirst for gun-waving in the Niger Delta, the use of force has failed to curb the menace of Boko Haram in the Northern part of this country. To confront the multifarious internal security challenges, this paper examined the historical antecedents of these conflicts. The paper discovered that the failure of the government to address the socio-economic needs of the youths has, in a
large measure, facilitated these conflicts. It also discovered that the removal of religious studies as a core subject in the school curricula of all tiers of education in Nigeria since the early 70s in no small measure contributed to the moral and social endemic corruption that is the bane of the country. The paper therefore is of the opinion that if religion is used as a tool for dialogue much will be achieved in terms of homeland security in Nigeria. The paper proposes
the use of several religion-based institutions as a line of first attack in handling social conflicts rather than the use of military and Police force. It argues that if religion is used as a tool for national orientation, much will be achieved in reducing the incidences of corruption which in turn will reduce the rate of social


Osarobu I.
Department of Philosophy
University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria
In our modern society, humanity has advanced many mythologies and approaches toward development and growth, but the same humanity has been neglecting the communal natural makeup which it possesses, where every human value is safeguarded and respected supposedly. This paper tries to explicate the value of
cultural humanity which the rights and dignity of the human person are adequately upheld always, towards any idea of development.

Developing Philosophy of Religion in a Theological Context

T.T. Bello
Department of Religious Studies
Ekiti State University Ado-Ekiti
This article’s concern is to look into the Religious Philosophical rethinking from the theological event. Theological philosophy from time had not been moving toward the same angle, but in this paper the researcher might want to recycle other sub-disciplines such as philosophical theology, systematictheology and Christian ethics. Question has been raised by scholars on why philosophy of religion and theology has always been at other end, this publication will look into it. Theological education and philosophy need to move
together because one is the branch of the other. This publication is
interested in the philosophy and theological tradition.

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