*Baba Sunday, **Dickson Vonke and ***Kromtit Matthew

Department Economics, University of Jos, Nigeria.

Emails: sundaybab@yahoo.com; vonkemarcus@yahoo.comAbstract: The Nigerian Job seekers face a lot of problems as Jobs are not made available, technical skills are not properly acquired for self employment, under capitalization with difficulty for obtaining bank credit and instability of government policies are the order of the day. In support for the Role of Entrepreneurship in National Economic Development, policies had been implemented by different government regimes such as Integrated Rural Development (IRD). But the failure of these development programmes did pave way for the introduction of Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) with the objective of designing programmes to adjust the structure of the economy whose strategies are National Directorate of Employment (NDE) amongst others. This study assesses the impact of entrepreneurship development on unemployment reduction in Nigeria using NDE as a case study.  While the Augmented Dickey Fuller Unit Root Test was employed in sieving the data series to avoid spurious results, the Granger Causality Test was used to determine the causal relationship between the variables and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) technique of econometrics was employed to estimate the impact of entrepreneurship development on unemployment reduction in Nigeria. Results obtained reveal that the 2000-2011 Nigerian Annual Data for NER, EER and CU series were non stationary at level, 1(0), but NER and EER became stationary at first difference, 1(1); while CU became stationary at second difference, 1(2) – all at 5% level of significance. The results further show we have some confidence that both ERR and CU could Granger cause NER in Nigeria and that entrepreneurship development has impacted significantly on unemployment reduction in Nigeria and the null hypothesis of no impact was rejected; Labor was discovered to be the main asset of the poor and this creates opportunities for them to be gainfully engaged. It is, therefore, concluded that Entrepreneurship has a significant impact on Employment generation in Nigeria. The study recommends amongst others that refocusing public spending and investment in basic and technical education on human capital in order to raise the supply of skilled labor in Nigeria is expedient and that the National Directorate of Employment (NDE) as government’s main organ for tackling the problem has to be repositioned by putting in place new strategies to reduced


Acho, Yunusa

Department of Accountancy

Federal Polytechnic Idah, Kogi State, Nigeria.

E-mail: alhassanay@gmail.com

Abstract: The fact that corruption have eaten deep into the fabric of Nigeria Public Sector is no longer a hidden truth. One of the major reasons is the lack of adequate accounting standard to regulate the recording of government activities. Most financial activities in government establishments are not properly recorded this prompt corruption and lack of comparison of records with that of other countries. The aim of this research is to examine the challenges facing Nigeria in the adoption of International Public Sector Accounting Standard which is believed to be a high quality standard and transparent for the recording of public sector financial activities worldwide. The research sample selected cut across the budget officers, finance officers and other officers in charge of preparing financial statements in Federal Polytechnic Idah, Kogi State Ministry of Finance and Idah Local Government. Hundred questionnaires were distributed to this sample using the random sampling technique. It is observed from findings that the adoption of IPSAS would significantly improve accounting and financial recording systems in the Nigerian Public Sector and this would definitely reduce corruption and other ill practices in the public sector. It is therefore recommended that all the three tiers of Nigeria government should join hands together and ensure its full adoption and implementation. Staff of government establishments should be constantly sent for training to acquire more current knowledge that would enhance proper implementation of IPSAS.


Badmus, Adejare S., Olabode, Bashir O. and Adebayo, Timothy A.

General Studies Department,

The Polytechnic, Ibadan, Saki Campus, Nigeria.

E-mail: adejarebadmus@gmail.com

Abstract: One of the basic needs of man is shelter but in Nigeria, this basic need is grossly insufficient both in quantity and quality. The inadequacy of housing is prominent both in the rural area as well as in the urban centers and in effect the poor environmental quality across the country. In order to profer solution to these ugly experiences and intention to making housing available and affordable to all Nigerian, the government has over the years promulgated various housing related laws and  policies. This paper examines these policies and their impacts on national development making use of simple descriptive methodologies. We found some relationship among these policies with a conclusion that if all impediments to the achievement of housing for all Nigerians are removed, the housing sector will increase Nigeria Human Development Index, reduce unemployment and poverty among others thus contributing to national development. We recommended a “true” implementation of these laudable policies, checking inflation rate to one digit level so as to ensure relative stability in the price of building materials, provision of reasonable and accessible housing finance, curbing the activities of “the Omo Oniles” (siblings of the land owners) and that the Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON) should be up and doing in waging serious wars on the activities of fake building materials distributors so as to reduce incidence of collapse building.    


1Nwezeh, Godfrey .O. and 2Aniagu, S. Uche

1Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, The Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Niger State – Nigeria.

2Department of Banking and Finance, The Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Niger State – Nigeria.

 E-mail: nwezehgodfrey@yahoo.com

Abstract: Economics has gotten many definitions. The reason is that economists see the subject from different point of view. They are interested in different aspects of economics such as money, industries, business, welfare, international relations etc. However, according to Professor Lionel Robbins whose definition is the most acceptable, Economics can be defined as a social science that studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses. Before now economics is not integrated with the mainstream of nutrition science or practice, other than ‘’home economics’’ but now, it can enable greater understanding of how socio-economic status may interplay with human nutritional status and health. The important role of economics in food and nutrition is being increasingly recognised. In this paper, secondary sources of data collection like books, government publications and other documents relating to economics and nutrition were utilized. However, like all material sources, the element of subjectivity cannot be absolutely erased but efforts were made to be as objective as possible in the use and application of these documents. It has been confirmed however, that there is a link between economics and nutrition as seen in the influences the economic variables have in the choice and intake of food. Good agricultural food consumption policies, income generation and nutrition education were amongst the recommendations made in this research.


1Owonikoko, B.S. and 2Olaonipekun, A.O.

1Peace and Conflict Studies Programme, Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

2Continuing Education Centre, The Polytechnic, Ibadan, Nigeria.

 E-mail: owonikoko.babajide@gmail.com

Abstract: The frequency, dynamics and huge human and material losses that always follow the outbreak of religious conflicts in Nigeria have incited the interest of scholars to research into religious conflicts in the country. However, scholars of religious identity conflicts in Nigeria have always under-looked the use of religious identity at the micro level and the tension that always greet it. Meanwhile, this has serious implications for the magnitude of religious identity conflict in Nigeria. In order to bridge this gap, this study looks at the use of religious identity for political campaigns among the students of University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

[1] The authors will like to acknowledge Professor O.B.C. Nwolise and Dr. D.N. Danjibo for their contributions to this article. However, the authors take responsibility of all errors in the article.


1S. I. Ovuakporaye, and 2E. I. Odokuma

1Department of Human Physiology, Delta State University, P.M.B 001, Abraka, Nigeria

2Department of Anatomy and cell biology, Delta State University, P.M.B 001, Abraka, Nigeria

Email: simonovuakpo2006@yahoo.com

Abstract: The study determined the effect of Garcina kola on testosterone and the histology of the testes in male albino wistarrats. Fifteen (15) male rats of the Wistar strain weighing 115g-220g were divided into groups of 3 (control, low dose, high dose) consisting of 5 male rats in each of the 3 groups to determine the effects of Garciniakola extract on testosterone. The control group was given only water and rat feed while the experimental groups of low dose and high dose were administerd 5g/kg and 10g/kg respectively per body weight for a period of 28 days. The rats were sacrificed and testosterone from the blood in these 3 groups, were studied. Statistical analyses of data were determined by one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Post-hoc Turkey’s test. It was observed that the hormone testosterone from group 2 with values of 0.50 ±0.15 recorded a significant increase in testosterone when compared to group 1 (control)with values 0.29 ± 0.08,while group 3 with values 0.23 ± 0.08 recorded no significant changes in testosterone when compared with group 1 (control).


Hudson Iliya U.1, Andrew Salau B.2 and Ibrahim Abdulaziz I.3

1University of Maiduguri Division of General Studies

2University of Maiduguri, Mathematics & Statistics

3University of Maiduguri, Computer Center

E-mail: researchatdemidala@gmail.com, usmanailiya@ymail.com

Abstract: Economic growth of a country is measured by the rate of increase in a country’s GDP. While the GDP is a key measure by which policy makers estimate how well the economy is doing, it provides little information on how families and individuals are doing in the country. Lack of employment opportunities and the consequential income disparity bring about mass poverty in most of the developing and under developed countries. Nigeria’s unemployment level is a major concern to all stakeholders in the country as the unemployment rate rises. Official figures from the NBS in 2012, puts the national figure at about twenty-three point nine percent (23.9%), while that of Borno State is twenty-nine point one percent (29.1%). This study provides empirical findings on small and medium scale enterprises and employment generation in Borno State, Nigeria. The study uses a 32 item questionnaire in generating its data, which was subjected to different statistics, these are; Univeriate analysis, Measure of Central Tendency, Pearson Product Moment Correlation in order to answer questions raise as research question. The findings of the study clearly shows that small scale industries do consistently contribute to employment generation in Borno state, it also found out that there is a significant difference between ratings of the employment quality provided by the SMEs in Borno state, which implies that the quality of employment provided by the SMEs are of low quality, that most of the employees of Small and Medium Enterprises in Borno State are young men with low/intermediate educational qualifications, it further shows that there is no relationship between Enterprise characteristics and quality of employment generated by SMEs in Borno State Since all the variables have shown no significant level which is less than P<0.05, there is a relationship between Enterprise characteristics and quantity of employment generated by SMEs in Borno State, there is a relationship between Enterprise characteristics and quantity of employment generated by SMEs in Borno State. The study recommends that, there is need for SMEs, civil Society, organizations, non -governmental Organizations to collaborate with the State Government in other to provide qualitative employment that can sustained the development of this nation. That government should provided scholarships for youths that are willing to further their education, Schools both tertiary and Secondary school should include entrepreneur as a subject course in their curriculum. 


Alhassan A. Yunusa

Department of Civil Engineering,

Federal Polytechnic Idah, Kogi State

E-mail: alhassanay@gmail.com

Abstract: This paper reports on the results of a study undertaken to assess the carbonation of blended concretes exposed to a range of micro-climate variations in inland environments, particularly with variations in carbon dioxide content, temperature and relative humidity conditions. Concretes samples were prepared using five binder types representing variations of blends with GGBS, FA and CSF and four w/b ratios ranging from 0.4 to 0.75 and subjected to different degrees of initial water curing. These samples were placed in three exposure conditions: indoors in laboratory air, outdoors sheltered from rain and sun and outdoors fully exposed to the elements. The depths of carbonation of these samples were monitored over a period of 24 months in order to determine the rates of carbonation. Findings suggest that the rate of concrete carbonation may be usefully applied as performance specifications where durability of reinforced concrete structures must be guaranteed.

Keywords:    Durability, Supplementary cementing materials (SCM), Blended Concretes, Reinforced concrete structures.


1Alimi Baba Gana and 2Bintu Kachallah Galadima

1Department of Agricultural Technology Ramat Polytechnic, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria

2Department of Sociology and Anthropology University of Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria

E-mail: bgalimi@yahoo.com

Abstract: This paper discusses the challenges of rural development in Nigeria. Several studies were conducted to examine the factors inimical to rural transformation and development in Nigeria. Yet rural development and transformation efforts in Nigeria are still not effective to achieve success. This study observed that the protracted and deep-rooted state of socio-political, economic and infrastructural decay that has affected nearly all Local Government Areas in Nigeria for a decade has had a profoundly negative impact on the wellbeing of entire Nigerians. It is argued that unless state and federal governments address the lapses associated with rural development, the entire population and the Local Government Areas will continue to be under-developed and possibly the situation might be grave in the near future. The findings of the study revealed that majority of the respondents upheld the paper hypotheses advanced. That lack of consideration of rural peoples’ “need” and “wish” in developmental programmes or projects matter; poor leadership,mismanagement and corruption by key local government and programme or project officials; lack of patriotism and awareness on the benefits and importance of the programme/projects by the people of the communities; lack of competent and prudent mind chairmen or administrators to manage the local government resources; and inter and intra communal conflicts among others are some of the challenges responsible for present under-development of rural areas in Nigeria. Research survey method with aid of accidental and judgmental sampling technique was used to obtain information. A sample of (160) respondents spread across various Local Government Areas from the six geo-political zones of the country were selected to form the study samples. Chi-square statistics was applied to interpret and distinguish the respondents’ opinion. Recommendations are made to correct the lapses for future progress to achieve developmental objectives.


Igwe, P. C., Nwakanma M., Oguazu E. C., A. O. Chikwendu, E. G. Nneji, and Benneth N. O.

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria,

Department of Industrial Physics, Renaissance University Ugbawka, Enugu

Emails: pastor.igwepc@gmail.com

Abstract: This is proposed to answer for co-existences superconductivity (SC) in the orbital overlap and magnetism, i.e. antiferromgnetism (AF) in iron based superconductors. This theory shows a gradual transition in the Nambu generalization of the Bardeen Cooper Schrieffer model to the psudospin Hamiltonian representation leading up to SC and AF state.

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