Sikiru Adeyinka Abdulazeez

Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science

Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna



Statistics serves as a tool for measuring the performance of all aspects of an economy. Good governance in all its dimensions can be monitored using reliable series and indicators. Despite the enormity of the challenges faced by the Nigerian administration, it has failed to utilize adequate facts and figures in keeping track of its progress. The current administration has pledged to take joint responsibility to eradicate widespread poverty in the country and place it on a path of sustained economic growth and development. This paper highlights the series and indicators that can be used to appraise good governance and development. Governance is however contextual. While it is possible to identify concepts and principles of governance that are universal, they make no sense without adequate contextual reference. Nigeria can use the highlighted indicators as a measure of its performance in terms of economic growth, human development as well as democratic and political governance.



Obasan Adebola,Patrick Owohunwa, and Abdulazeez Sikiru

Kaduna Polytechnic, Department of Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science, College of Science & Technology, Kaduna State, Nigeria.



Password authentication is a basic form of information security for computers and communication systems where passwords recalled from human memory are used to validate users before allowing them access to their different secure resources like personal computers, e-mail, individual bank accounts, social networks to mention a few. Therefore, today users have many passwords and find it difficult to create them according to the established password security guidelines. Instead, most users write down their passwords, and use one password for multiple accounts while others settle for simple, short, personal names of family members, dates, dictionary words, and unsecure passwords due to human memory limitation. Recall-based graphical password schemes are one of many proposed mechanisms for user authentication based on the premise that human memory is better at remembering images than textual information.  Most of these schemes have worked on the usability and security enhancement. The present study is mainly focused on the security analysis of the existing graphical authentication methods with discussions on different aspects of password security. The paper starts by categorizing the existing graphical schemes into three major types according to memory tasks: recall, cue recall and recognition tasks of human memory.  A total of seven schemes are chosen from each of the three categories and each of the schemes was extensively discussed. We review a number of criterions for measuring efficiency of authentication systems and examined different conventional password attack methods. Password space and password entropy formulae and calculations related to the schemes are also presented in this paper. A comprehensive analysis of each authentication method highlighting their password entropy and vulnerability to different password attacks was presented. In conclusion, some suggestions are given for future work.

Table of Contents

Deficit in Housing Stock in Nigeria – Way Forward

Nwabuna, Nwokedi P. and Emeka Okorie                                                                               1 – 9

Overcoming the Challenges of Residential Property Development in the

Developing State Capitals of Nigeria – A Case Study of Damaturu, Yobe State.

Olatunde, B. Zakariyyah and Busari, M. Adeyemi                                                                   10 – 17

The Challenges of Providing Quality Financial Reporting in a Fraudulent

and Corrupt Environment

Ayodeji Lasunkanmi Adeniyi                                                                                                   18 – 36

Equipment Leasing: A Facet of Corporate Financing Strategy

Alexander Olawumi Dabor and Ayodeji Lasunkanmi Adeniyi                                                            37 – 45

A Review on the Security Challenges in Northern Nigeria and its

Implications for Business Survival and Sustainable Development

Ibrahim Abubakar Mikugi and Azubuike Aham Samuel                                                         46 – 54

A Review on the Security Challenges in Northern Nigeria and its Implications for Business Survival and Sustainable Development


Department of Business Administration and Management

The Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Niger State

ABSTRACTNorthern Nigeria amongst other regions has witnessed high level of insecurity with its resultant effect on business survival and sustainable development. This has made national security threat to be a major issue for the government and has prompted huge allocation of the national budget to security. Security just like other elements in the business environment enhances and optimizes business activities but insecurity hinders these activities and so it constitutes a threat to business organizations and their survivals. This paper examined the insecurity in Northern Nigeria and its implication for business survival and sustainable development. The sources and causes of insecurity were examined through the methodology of evaluation using secondary data. The researcher presented attacks by Boko Haram in Northern Nigeria from 2009 to 2013. The paper further examined the conceptual perspective of insecurity, Business survival and Sustainable development and as well the functional areas of business that are likely to be affected as s result of insecurity. Detail analysis of the way- out to curb the effect of insecurity on business and to enhance sustainable development in Nigeria was outlined. Issues raised include provision of good leadership, good governance and value re-orientation. The paper concludes that insecurity poses a great threat to business organizations and its survival; hence this menace may affect the realization of becoming the 20 most developed countries by the year 2020. Recommendations were given which include the need for government to be more proactive in security management, intelligence gathering and surveillance. Business Organizations should be socially responsible and individuals need to be

Equipment Leasing: A Facet of Corporate Financing Strategy


1Accounting Department University of Benin

2Department of Accountancy Yaba College of Technology Yaba-Lagos, Nigeria



The study examines leasing as a facet of corporate financing strategy in Nigeria. Structured questionnaire was used to elicit responses from the field. The data generated were tested using the Z-test and ANOVA statistical tool. The analysis shows that there is a significant negative relationship between corporate performance and sale lease back. The result also reveals that it is cheaper to lease equipment than to purchase outrightly. Our findings further reveal that there is significant difference between the cost of obtaining loan from financial institution and cost of leasing equipment in Nigeria. We recommend that captain of industries in Nigeria should take advantage of leasing option in acquisition of equipment, and Nigeria government should also re-visit tax laws with regards to leasing as available financing option.   

The Challenges of Providing Quality Financial Reporting in a Fraudulent and Corrupt Environment 


Yaba College of Technology 

Department of Accountancy. Yaba-Lagos, Nigeria.



The study investigates the challenges of providing quality financial reporting in a fraudulent and corrupt environment through assessment of integrity and credibility of the financial statements as well as disclosure of accounting information. Presence of fraud and its effects on the performance of business organizations are equally appraised. The paper explores challenges of providing quality financial reporting in Nigeria from the perspective of company accountants using structured questionnaire. The sample was randomly drawn from the population of 68 company accountants from bank, insurance, manufacturing and construction industries in Lagos, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistical method at 95% confidence level was employed to analyze the data collected. The study indicates that disclosure of accounting information does not preclude existence of fraud from the financial statements. Whereas fraud adversely affects the quality of financial reporting, and consequently makes prospective stakeholders not to accept or buy shares of the reporting company.   However, the integrity and credibility of the financial statements preparers enhance on the quality of financial reporting. Thus, it is recommended that in addition to making adequate disclosures of accounting information, integrity and credibility of the financial statements preparers must be insisted upon in order to have a quality financial reporting so as to prevent financial bankruptcy in an average company in Nigeria.

Overcoming the Challenges of Residential Property Development in the Developing State Capitals of Nigeria – A Case Study of Damaturu, Yobe State.


Department of Estate Management, Federal Polytechnic, Damaturu, Yobe State

E-mail :   


Revenue from property rating and other taxes goes a long way in aiding our developing states and national transformation, but the challenges of residential property/housing development demands attention. This study gives an overview of the challenges of residential property development in the developing state capitals of Nigeria, taking Damaturu, Yobe State as a case study. A stratified random sampling was carried out through structured questionnaires administered on private developers, estate surveyors and valuers, officials of State Ministry of Land and Survey and Ministry of Housing. The problems encountered include: high interest rate, short repayment period, bureaucracy in land acquisition, inadequate skilled labour and professionals and high cost of building materials. It is recommended that the existing laws should be modified to ease access to land, government should provide adequate roads and transportation system that checks cost of building materials, the government should encourage commercial activities and financial environments that ease access to property development fund through revitalization of National Housing Fund, Federal Mortgage Bank, and interest-free financing for real estate development. Finally, security of life and property encourages inflow of skilled labour, investment and development.

Deficit in Housing Stock in Nigeria – Way Forward


Department of Architectural Technology

Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic, Unwana– Afikpo Ebonyi State



This paper aims at examining the possible ways through which Governments at all levels, corporate organizations and individuals can provide the much needed houses so as to bring the housing stock deficit to that level or position to impact positively on the welfare and productivity of the Nigerian people. The population of Nigeria keeps growing at an alarming growth rate per annum; in like manner the need for affordable houses keeps growing. In other words, population growth and housing needs go hand in hand. After food comes shelter in the order of the primary needs of man. It is in the interest of the governments, corporate organizations and individuals to apply concerted efforts to meet this growing demand for shelter; for not doing so will eventually create an emergency situation in the demand for houses to live in. The effect of this emergency can impact negatively on the productivity of the populace and again affect the gross domestic product of the nation. The efforts of governments towards bridging the deficit were analysed and the paper found that certain factors are still militating against these efforts. These factors are in the realm of what governments, corporate organizations or even individuals ought to have done or should be doing to see that the deficit in housing stock is reduced. It identifies some of these factors and at the end made recommendations towards bridging the deficit in Housing stock in Nigeria.

Table of Contents

Hypoglycaemic, Hypolipidaemic and Possible Toxicity of the Methanolic Fruit

Pulp Extract of Hyphane thebaica (L) Mart in Alloxan-induced Diabetic Rats

Shehu, B.B., Gidado, A. and Buratai L.B.                                                                                  1 – 10

Antimicrobial Properties of Crude Ethanolic Extract of Ficus exasperata Root

Abraham-O, J., Odiba, P.A., Okpanachi, E., Miachi, O.E. and Ocheja, F.B.                               11 – 20

Cancer Screening by Computed Tomography Scanning in Sub-Saharan

Africa: A Ghanaian Perspective.

Edmund K. B., Eric K. O., Jerry Coleman, William K. A. and Klenam D. T.                               21 – 34

Primary Health Care in Nigeria: From Conceptualization to Implementation

Aigbiremolen, A.O., Alenoghena, I., Eboreime, E., and Abejegah, C.                                        35 – 43

Human Identification: Assessment of Interrelationships between Sex,

Handedness and Dermatoglyphics

Philip, O. O., Joshua, O. O., Abimbola, O. O., and John A. O.                                                   44 – 54

Antibiotic Usage in an Urban Population in Nigeria

Oronsaye F.E. and Oviasogie F.E.                                                                                             55 – 59

Effects of Use of Advance Organizers on Students’ Performance and

Retention of the Concepts of Electromagnetism

Okey, I. F. and Avwiri, E.                                                                                                          60 – 75

Prevalence of Obesity and Physical Inactivity among Biomedical College

Students in a Nigerian University

Akinremi Ayodele, Sanya Arinola, and Makinde James                                                           76 – 86

The Relationship between zinc and copper in children with malaria

Caroline A. Okoli and Mariam Solomon                                                                                 87 – 100

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Family Planning Services Utilization among Women aged 15-49 in Bauchi Local Government Area of Bauchi State, Nigeria

Umar Ibrahim, and Maryam Mohammed                                                                               101 – 111

In vitro assessment of the acaricidal properties of aqueous extract of Cassia

sieberiana DC (Caesalpiniaceae) stem bark on Boophilus (Curticei 1891) larvae

Biu, A. A., Abdulkadir, M.A., Luka, J. Konto, M. and Hamza, J.                                                             112 – 121

Incidence of Gastrointestinal Protozoans causing Diarrhoea amongst

Out-patients attending Yobe State Specialist Hospital Damaturu

Biu A.A., Yakaka W., Mustapha F.B., Zango M.K., Lawan F.A. and  Ali, A. H.                           122- 127

Incidence of Gastrointestinal Protozoans causing Diarrhoea amongst Out-patients attending Yobe State Specialist Hospital Damaturu

1Biu A.A., 2Yakaka W., 3Mustapha F.B., 1Zango M.K., 1Lawan F.A. and 1Ali, A. H.

 1Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria

2 Department of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria

3 Department of Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Maiduguri



Gastrointestinal parasitism is extremely common with approximately 70% prevalence worldwide associated with diarrhea. This study was conducted on the incidence of gastrointestinal protozoal parasites responsible for diarrhea amongst out-patients of Yobe State Specialist Hospital Damaturu, Nigeria. The formol-ether concentration technique was used for stool evaluation. Out of the 250 randomly sampled stools examined an overall incidence of 134 (53.6%) were obtained, and the protozoans identified were Entamoeba coli 60(44.8%), Entamoeba histolytica 55(41.1%) and Giardia lamblia 19(41.2%) (p<0.05). Sex-wise, male out-patients were more infected 74(55.2%) than female 60(44.8%)(p<0.05), while age-wise the younger age bracket of 6-18 years had a 72 (53.7%) mean incidence, higher than age bracket of > 18 -60 years with 62 (46.3%)(p<0.05). The microscopic appearance of the protozoan in this study was also recorded. Inference from these findings was that age and sex are competent risk factors in this study area.

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