Popoola, Ayobami 1, Tawose, Opeoluwa1, Abatan, Stephen1, Adeleye, Bamiji2, Jiyah, Funke3, Majolagbe, Nihinlola4

1Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

2Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger State

3School of Preliminary Studies, Federal Polytechnic, Bida Niger State

4School of Nursing, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Oyo State

Email: bcoolay2@yahoo.com


Many health issues can be traced to housing condition. Building material, household equipments, size of building and building design are direct or indirect drivers of many human health problems. The study examined relationship between housing condition and the health status of the residents in Ibadan North Local Government area. Questionnaire was administered using household sampling technique. Simple random sampling was employed in carrying out the research to select samples for the study. This involves numbering of the buildings in the localities and ballot system was used to select 308 buildings out of 28,020 buildings in the study area for this research. Findings revealed that the housing condition of many of the houses observed can be said to be in poor state. Over 150 sampled household do not have adequate or adhere to the stipulated housing standard of 3cm air space, while half of the sampled household lacked adequate solid waste disposal method. Hospital records revealed that the illness often complained and diagnosed are plasmodiasis, typhoid, infections, and headache among others. Many of which can be traced to poor housing and environmental condition. The study recommends that inhabitants must ensure adequate space and protection against the following adverse conditions such as cold, damp, heat, rain, wind or other threats to health or structural hazards. Planning authorities must improve monitoring of newly constructed building to ensure they comply with the set space standards. The role of housing unit landscape in providing visual satisfaction, which has a profound effect on the psychological nature of man and also serve as carbon sink resulting from human activity within the environment also needs to be well reinstated.


Mohammed I.Y.

Department of Building

Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Nigeria

Email: inuwamohammed76@yahoo.com


Public Housing supply remains one of the much talk about in Nigeria over the past thirty years. Successive Public Housing Policies attempted have been unsuccessful due to a number of reasons. The lack of success on Public Housing Programmes is also due to the lack of clearly defined success criteria which guides the housing projects from inception to completion. The reason for the adoption and application of project management and project success criteria is to deliver projects successfully, achieve enhanced output, develop framework to help follow key project result and for aiding the appropriate allocation of resources. This research seeks to determine and establish what constitute critical project success criteria for Public Housing Programmes in Nigeria. Questionnaire survey was used to bring about what is perceived as critical success criteria from respondents who have considerable experience and have been involved in Public Housing Programmes. Data analysis involving mean scores and t-test were conducted on the responses on the identified criteria to reveal and discuss its characteristics. The ‘cost of unit house’ and ‘extensive use of local materials’ were acknowledged as the most critical project success criteria and therefore were ranked First and Second whilst ‘risk taking’ was the least critical criteria. These findings could form the foundation of a framework and formulating policies which will enable project managers (PM) involved in Public Housing Programmes to channel appropriate efforts and behaviours towards ensuring successful execution.


O. E. Abiodun, J. B. Olaleye, J. O. Olusina and O. G. Omogunloye

Department of Surveying and Geo-informatics

University of Lagos, Lagos

E-mail:    abiodunoludayo@yahoo.com; oabiodun@unilag.edu.ng


Urban expansion has been identified as a major cause of global climatic and environmental changes, which are predicted to accelerate in the 21st century with unknown and potentially serious implications to life and the environment. Accurate and up-to-date information about urban expansion in terms of changes in urban area is needed for sustainable urban planning. Lagos is one of the fastest growing cities in the world and may experience the most serious implication of this change in the whole of West Africa. Lagos has witnessed great urban sprawl in recent times, annexing nearby villages and spreading fast into the neighbouring states. This growth and physical expansion is virtually undocumented and adequate planning to prevent great consequences of this development is therefore impossible. In this work, LandSat imagery (1984, 2001, and 2006) was processed and overlaid on the Lagos State administrative map in a GIS environment. Changes in linear expansion were recorded from a 1Km X 1Km grid while areal changes were recorded from a grid of 25Km X 20Km imposed on the map. Results of the linear changes in a few selected locations and the results of the areal changes in all the cells are presented. The result shows a fast growth of urban expansion in Lagos from 1984 to 2001 and from 2001 to 2006. The result was discussed and inferences were drawn on the drivers of urban expansion in Lagos.


Ozabor .F and Obisesan .A

Department of Geography and Environmental Management

University of Port-Harcourt,Port-Harcourt

E-mail: Famphidoz@gmail.com


This study is on thespatio-temporal variation in rainfall over south-western Nigeria. The study adopts the ex-post facto research design. Three grand stations (Oshogbo; Ibadan and Ikeja) of the five in the region were selected for this study. Secondary annual rainfall data for two climatic normal were collected from the archive of NIMET. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was adopted for the purpose of data analysis. Findings include that in the first decade (1955-1965), the rainfall amount for ikeja was 1718.25mm, Ibadan is 1375.36mm and Oshogbo is 1636.28mm. The decade 1965-1975, Ikeja recorded rainfall amount of 1745.47mm; but the amount of rainfall generated for Ibadan was more than that of Oshogbo as they both recorded 1381.61mm and 1345.41mm respectively. Furthermore, Lagos seem to have experienced dryer conditions in the decade 1985-1995 as the amount (1280.139mm) of rainfall generated for that decade was lower than that of Oshogbo (1393.42mm). In terms of anomalies, the individual stations in the study showed that while some periods are anomaly wet others are dry. However, in the display of anomalies in the observed rainfall patterns, the last decades in all the stations are anomaly wet, thereby creating a departure from the trends. However, the ANOVA model is significant at P (0.001) < 0.05. This signifies that there is a statistical significant variation in the rainfall amounts generated among weather stations in the region for the two normal of interest.


Ataguba, Joseph Obaje and Tinufa, Anthony Abbey

 Department of Estate Management and Valuation

School of Environmental Studies, The Federal Polytechnic Idah, Nigeria

E-mail: josephtgb81@gmail.com


The real value/equated yield hybrid model otherwise known as the Crosby’s 3-YPs model is a contemporary value model which deploys nominal rate of interest (equated yield), rent review, and inflation risk free yield to the discounting of cash flows of property investments. Notwithstanding its robust features in the valuation of incomes with growth potentials, this model has been observed to be implicit about all risks yield and implied rental growth rate per annum such that they might only be known to the valuer who prepared the valuation; unless additional information on these parameters are provided with the valuation in question. This article evaluates an alternative perspective of how implied rental growth rate per annum and all risks yield are embedded in the Crosby’s real value/equated yield hybrid model. An analytical framework which culminated into the derivation of all risks yield and implied rental growth rate per annum from the real value/equated yield model was designed. Thereafter, the synergy between the 3-YPs model and the derived formulas were evaluated with recourse to the valuation of fully let- and reversionary freehold interests respectively. Results indicate that the all risks yield and implied rental growth rate per annum are embedded in the 3-YPs model. It also was observed that this phenomenon was facilitate by equated yield and rent review period which are the variables commonly found in the formula for all risks yield, implied rental growth rate and the 3-YPs model. The formula derivation process and results from the individual valuation cases revealed that all risks yield and implied rental growth rate are adequately captured in the real value/equated yield hybrid model such that valuations ensuing from this model would not deviate from those produced by the growth explicit discounted cash flow (DCF) technique.

Table of Contents

A Stylistic Review of the Domestication of English Language in Chimamanda

Ngozi Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus

Maria Olanrewaju Ewulo                                                                                                         1-14

Promoting Learning in Early Years Using Folktales in Classroom

Buzome Chukwuemeke & Iweribor V.N.                                                                                 15-24

Process-Oriented Writing Strategies and Students’ Achievement in Writing

Skills in Junior Secondary Schools in Abuja

Kosemani, I.C., Chukeuggu, C.O.C. & Ala, B.B.                                                                                    25-45

Teachers as Classroom Managers: Counselling Psychological Perspective

Mohammed Mahmoud Baba                                                                                                  46-54

Teaching Mathematics for Creativity in Nigeria: Challenges and Prospects

Anyor, Joseph Wuave and Omenka, Jerry Ebere                                                                      55 – 62

Integrating Mathematics and other Disciplines in Nigeria: A Stand for

Curriculum ReformAnyor, Joseph Wuave                                                                                                              63 – 70                                                                                                                                                            


Anyor, Joseph Wuave

Department of Science Education

Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi Benue State, Nigeria

Email: ate2014&@gmail.com, ornguj@yahoo.com

Abstract: The application of mathematics knowledge and skills in all facets of human endeavour calls for integrating the subject with other disciplines. It is likely to bring out the usefulness of mathematics more glaring in teaching and learning situations and application in real life situations. The paper discusses integrating mathematics with other disciplines in Nigeria to facilitate appropriate solution of societal problems. The paper further analysis the integration of mathematics and other disciplines in Nigeria and points out how much is needed to be done. The relationship between mathematics and other disciplines is clearly brought out to cover all human fields of study and work including agriculture, material science, among others. The need for curricular reforms in Nigeria is stressed. It is therefore suggested that curriculum developers should try to close the gap existing between mathematics and other disciplines for effective application of mathematics to ensure socio-economic, scientific and technological development among others. The method used in teaching should be experiential with well trained teachers.


Anyor, Joseph Wuave and Omenka, Jerry Ebere

Department of Science Education, University of Agriculture, Makurdi

Department of Curriculum and Teaching, Benue State University, Makurdi

E-mail: ornguj@yahoo.com, ate2014&@gmail.com, jerryomenka@yahoo.com

Abstract: This paper discusses the need for teaching mathematics for creativity in Nigeria, the need stems from the significant role mathematics plays for the development of science and technology which are in turn indices for national development. The paper addressed the concept of mathematical creativity which is principally to create something new or unusual and the ability to see new relationships between techniques and areas of application as well as making associations between unrelated ideas. This was followed by pointing out the indicators of mathematical creativity as attitudes, abilities and methods of preparation and manipulation of information. The condition under which mathematical creativity can occur were raised such as conducive environment, creative thinking, among others. Also raised was the state of teaching mathematics in Nigeria which is characterized by conventional method of teaching and does not provide for mathematical creativity. However, mathematical creativity in the Nigerian classrooms is to produce citizens with excellent mathematical knowledge to compete favourably in the world economy. The paper equally highlighted the challenges to include overcrowded classrooms which do not augur well for autonomous learning essential for development of mathematical creativity. However, these challenges can be overcome by creating, conducive learning environment aided by teaching technologies to mention but a few. The paper concludes by stressing the fact that creativity is what makes the difference between developed and developing nations. Hence if Nigeria must develop scientifically, socially, economically and technologically her citizens must acquire mathematical creativity.


Mohammed Mahmoud Baba

Department of Educational Foundations,

Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi, Nigeria

E-mail: mmahmoudbaba@gmail.com

Abstract: This paper aimed at portraying the roles of teachers in classroom environment, vis-à-vis the practical relevance of counselling in facilitating his/her work of teaching and management of both human and material resources provided for the purpose of promoting and ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching and learning. The paper addressed some fundamental questions such as who is a teacher? What is teaching?, interplay between teaching and teacher, what management is; teaching and management, classroom management and discipline, modes of classroom interaction and the need for effective counselling  for teachers and the taught (learners). The teacher, the learners and classroom environments are fraught with many and varied problems, today hence the need for counselling approaches and skills. In the light of these practicable recommendations are preferred to address teacher-manager and teacher-counsellor issues, which include cooperation, capacity building and re-orientation among others.

Keywords: – Teacher, Teaching, Classroom, Synergy, Managers, Counselling, Psychological.


Kosemani, I.C., Chukeuggu, C.O.C. & Ala, B.B.

Department of Curriculum Studies and Educational Technology

University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Abstract: The study investigated students’ achievement in writing skills in the Junior Secondary School, using process-oriented writing strategies (6+1 learning strategy and cooperative learning strategy) and adopted an experimental pre-test post test control design The population of the studywas about twenty nine thousand and ninety nine (29099) students in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja in the 2013/2014session. A sample of 150 students randomly selected into the experimental and control groups were exposed to treatments using the Students Achievement Test on Essay Writing (SATEW) and Students Socio-Economic Status Questionnaire (SSESQ). SATEW and SSESQ were validated by five experts in Language studies in the University of Port Harcourt while their reliabilities were estimated as 0.74 and 0.83 respectively, using the Cronbach Alpha (). The research questions and hypotheses were tested using descriptive statistics of percentage, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics such as Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) respectively. The study revealed that the mean achievement scores of the students taught using 6+1 learning strategy is greater than the mean achievement scores of those taught using cooperative learning strategy. The mean achievement scores of the experimental group is greater than the mean achievement scores of the control group. At 0.05 significance level and degree of freedom (3,150) there is a significant difference between the mean achievement scores of students taught using 6+1 learning strategy and cooperative learning strategy. No significance difference existed between the mean achievement scores of the male and female students in writing, classified by the instrumental strategies. There is no significance difference between the mean achievements scores of students taught using the instructional strategies, classified by the socio-economic background. Based on these findings, it is recommended that teachers’ of English Language as a second language (ELS) should use the 6+1 Learning Strategy in teaching concepts in writing in order to improve students acquisition, development of writing skills and achievement in that subject area. Teachers should avail themselves of opportunities of use of  alternative pedagogy discussed in seminars, workshops and get trained on the use of the strategies (CLS and 6+1 learning strategy) in order to alleviate students’ difficulties in writing in the study of English Language.  

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