1Usman, N.D.; 2Inuwa, I.I.; 2Iro, A.I. and 3Dantong, J.S.

1Department of Civil Engineering, Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi, Nigeria

2Quantity Survey Programme, Abubakar Tafawa- Balewa University, Bauchi, Nigeria

3Deparment of Building, University of Jos, Nigeria


Most construction projects in Nigeria fail due to poor contractors’ performance. Firms are concentrating on financial gains and forgetting the people that make the job and money. The problem of the industry is how to reconcile the need for a supply of manpower capable of high productivity in carrying out simplified sequential operations and retains a substantial number of craftsmen capable of highly skilled work. The study aimed at investigating the level and the hindrances to training, and to identify the best training types/methods that will optimize the productivity of construction craftsmen in the Nigerian Construction Industry. The study uses descriptive survey method; two sets of questionnaires were randomly distributed in four north-central states of Nigeria and Abuja to construction professionals and craftsmen. Percentages, severity and importance index were used for the analysis. The chi-square statistics used at 5% level of significance to test the research proposition formulated for the study shows an agreement within the respondent. The study revealed that: level of training among the four trades is very low, with an average training level of 37.21% and an average untrained level among the trades being very high at 62.79%. The older age groups had more training experience than the younger groups. Lack of standard type/method of training adopted for the Nigerian construction craftsmen and lack of encouragement and support for construction craftsmen are the most severe hindrances to training. Vestibule Schools and time release training are the most efficient types/method of training. The study recommend that construction craftsmen should be encouraged and supported for training and as well, vestibule schools and time release training methods should be adopted for training craftsmen in the Nigerian construction industry.

 Keywords: Contractors’ craftsmen; training; productivity; Nigerian construction industry.

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