Assessment of Water Supply Potential of the River Ethiope ENAMUOTOR B.O

Department of Civil Engineering
Delta State University, Abraka, Oleh Campus


Although water is an abundant natural resource, available in the rivers, streams, and wells to meet the needs of people, water of adequate quantity and acceptable quality is not always available to the consumers. This is the problem facing Abraka and its environs. River Ethiope with a catchment area of 493.50km2 at Abraka is naturally drained with stable and well defined slopes, firm bank and bed and very clear water. If the water is properly harnessed and utilized, it can be a boom and of immense value and no small measure enhance the economic, social and industrial well
being of the people of this region. Four years of daily water stage and 20 years simulated river Ethiope watershed run-off coupled with two (2) years stream flow and head measurements were used for the assessment. The result shows a yield of 966.50 × 10􀬺m3, which can be generated from the river per annum. The combined water requirement of Abraka is 28.359 × 10􀬺􀝉􀬷/􀝕􀝁􀜽􀝎. The current water demand and forecasted water demand up
to year 2033 can be met by resources in the basin. This paper also revealed that the water requirement of the towns through which the river transverse can be met.

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