Wariboko Joshua
Department of Architecture, Rivers State University
Nkpolu-Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt
Due to the increase in living standard and demand, energy conservation has become important in industrialized and developing countries. In respect to rational use of energy, this paper evaluates solar energy in Nigerian buildings with the aid of passive and active solar architecture approaches which makes use of specific building design principles and reduces the artificial energy requirements for achieving indoor thermal comfort. As a climate responsive architecture, building design criteria has been studied with the help of several parameters like geographic location and climatic conditions, building shape, orientation, selection of construction materials, building openings viz. windows, selection of suitable sunshades, etc. All the salient building design parameters are studied and important findings and recommendations are suggested as the outcome of the study. In our quest for sustainable development and the achievement of a safe environment, numerous alternatives to power supply have been exploited. The challenge of erratic and insufficient power has for decades bedeviled our dear nation resulting in the proliferation of the use of generators in multiple locations within the built environment. This solution apparently is the people’s response to the nations decaying infrastructure but invariably produces an environment which is unsafe to its inhabitants. In recent times, reports have shown that the emissions arising from this practice have caused the death of occupants. It is common knowledge that the use of solar energy as an alternative power source is not yet ubiquitous in this country. In recent times, innovation in the area of thermal solar and photovoltaic provides possibilities of its introduction in the building fenestration and facade. This study however examines some existing solar powered facilities in Nigeria. The study is useful for various resource persons involved in construction activities for designing energy efficient buildings.
Keywords: Solar Energy, Environmentally friendly, Passive and Active solar.