Table of Contents

 A Cursory Look at Some of the Speeches and Practices of the First Four

Rightly Guided Khalifs of Islam: Lessons for Nigerian Politicians

Aliyu Ibrahim Kofar Sauri                                                                                                        1 – 13

Schism and Ecumenical Initiatives in Nigeria 11th – 21st Centuries:

An Illusion or Reality

Emmanuel O.E. and Ikechi C.E.                                                                                               14 – 27

Lighting the Image: An Exploration of the Creative Use of Light on

Nigerian Screen

S. Joseph Bankola Ola –Koyi                                                                                                   28 – 47

Artistic Mediation, Africa’s Socio-political Trends and Globalisation

Reuben Kehinde Akano,                                                                                                           48 – 56                                                

Ordinary Readers’ Hermeneutics of Matthew 21:33-46: An Interplay

between Violence and Greed in Modern Nigeria

John Arierhi Ottuh                                                                                                                   57 – 82

Ordinary Readers’ Hermeneutics of Matthew 21:33-46: An Interplay between Violence and Greed in Modern Nigeria

John Arierhi Ottuh

Lecturer at Nehemiah Bible College, Okwokoko and

Vicar, Winners Baptist Church, Effurun, Delta State



Violence due to greed and ethno-religious dichotomy is dividing Nigeria more than ever before. Therefore, using the ordinary readers hermeneutics methodology to read Matthew 21:33-46, this paper showed that the periscope was a critique of violence and intrigue resulting from Greed, hatred, bitterness and selfishness, the aim of this paper was to examine the interplay between violence and greed in Nigeria. The paper also showed that a great relationship exists between ethnicity and violence in Nigeria. This paper argued that the Greed associated with selfish and cooperate individuals is dangerous to inter-human relationship in the society and as such it is capable of disintegrating the church and the Nigerian nation in general. The study was concluded on the presupposition that those who allow their ethno-religious divides and greed to drive them in perpetrating violence in the Nigerian society will provoke the wrath of God and human society. 

Artistic Mediation, Africa’s Socio-political Trends and Globalisation 

Reuben Kehinde Akano,

Department of Languages and Literary Studies,

Kwara State University, Malete,



The world is a global village so the saying goes. But in actual sense the aura of globalisation is pervading and insidious in some respects. Africa is an integral part of the globe and so her opportunities and challenges. Here comes the role of the art   as a superstructure in its critical and universal mode.  Literature remains the tool of illumination on the baleful or benevolent social trends in Africa’s onward march in the global sphere. This paper takes a look at the status and place of Africa in global spheres- politics, economy, religion and health. Using literary sociological tenets as the tool of appraisal, the paper x-rays the impact of literature in exploring Africa’s global opportunities and challenges. It submits that with the right attitude, Africa is in global competition for development inspite of her colonial memories.

Lighting the Image: An Exploration of the Creative Use of Light on Nigerian Screen 

S. Joseph Bankola Ola –Koyi

Department of Performing Arts

Olabisi Onabanjo  University

Ago Iwoye, Ogun State



Of all the components of mise-en-scene, cinematographic lighting is one of the most important features which can make or mare any production. Unfortunately, when it comes to theorizing film from the Ivory Tower, this important feature of cinematic components had received little attentions from most Nigerian film scholars and critics.  Often times, this aspect is only used to explain or buttress relevant points on film theory and discourse.  However in this study, light shall occupy the centre stage. In carrying out this theoretical exploration on the creative use of light on Nigerian screen, the researcher employed structuralist approach, observation, and studio/film diagnosis and library study. In structure, this paper is designed with a conceptual framework on light, review the videographic lighting set up and highlights /shadows before looking at the four features of lights: quality, direction, source, and colour. In theorizing this unique component of film from the Ivory Tower, efforts are made in this paper, not only to identify the relevance of these features of light to Yoruba films but to include detail examination and the various usages of these filmic elements in productions.

Schism and Ecumenical Initiatives in Nigeria 11th – 21st Centuries: An Illusion or Reality 

1Emmanuel O. Eregare. and 2Ikechi C.Ekpendu.

1History & International Studies Department Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria

2Religious Studies Department, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria



The procession for schism in church history in the eleventh century remains unresolved over Theology biases.  The advent of ecumenical initiatives in the early 19th century became a notable attempt to put away schism in Nigerian Christian churches. However, this laudable attempt in the early 19th Century was primarily based on theological and non theological variation. Though it is generally acceptable fact that the children of God all over the world were to be one family, it has rather over the years created conformists and non-conformists to the issue of oneness. It appears the study and practice for oneness of the Christendom in the classical text of the Lord’s Prayer, John 17: 11 are mystic-centric. Can the recent thrust for unity of the Christian churches in Nigeria be based on conformists or non-conformist views on ecumenism?  This paper attempts to do a critical African biblio-historical evaluation of church schisms and ecumenical concept in Nigeria in a little over ten centuries milieu. This paper will as well attempt to painstakingly make possible suggestions to make the prayer of the Master referred to at the beginning to its fulfillment.

A Cursory Look at Some of the Speeches and Practices of the First Four Rightly Guided Khalifs of Islam: Lessons for Nigerian Politicians 

Aliyu Ibrahim Kofar Sauri,

Department of Islamic Studies,

School of Arts and Social Sciences,

Isa Kaita College of Education,

Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State, Nigeria.



Islam is a comprehensive way of life.  It is more than being only a religion, because there is no aspect of life, which is vital for human development that Islam did not cover, such as economy, worship, culture and politics.  The Khulafa’urrashidun (Rightly guided Caliphs) believed in the prophet (SAW) from the beginning of his message and they were his first successors after his demise.  The experience they had on the concept of the ideal government of Madinah assisted them to demonstrate practical leadership of the Caliphate and how governance in Islam should be. This is done by actions and speeches they delivered when people elected them. The issue of justice “al-Adalah” to all citizenry is given priority in administering the affairs of the people of their own time as could be seen in the speech of Abubakr. He considered the week to be strong on the basis of his truth, while the strong to be weak if he is at wrong.

This paper intends to examine some statements of the Caliphs Abubakar, Umar, Uthman and Aliyu may Allah be pleased with them regarding governance.  Their demonstration of dedication, selflessness, trust, and so on in administering the society will also be highlighted in the paper for Nigerian politicians to emulate for a better Nigeria.  At end, the paper recommends that government has a role to play in ensuring better political leadership in Nigeria by compiling and teaching to the Nigerian Students some political write-ups and speeches of the past Muslims scholars.

Table of Contents

The “Monday Effect” in Nigerian Stock Market: Evidence and Implication

Osazevbaru, H.O. and Oboreh, J.                                                                                             1 – 8

From The Shadows: A Re-Integration of Africa into Global Economic and Development Map

Adesanya, O.P.                                                                                                                                    9 – 32

Good Police Public Relationship: An Antidote to Crime Control in Contemporary Nigerian Society

Aver, T.T., Adoko, E.O. and Ogah, I.A.                                                                                      33 – 45

The Impact of Information Communication Technology (ICT) on Economic Growth: Evidence from Nigeria

Olawepo, G.T. and Joseph, A.I.                                                                                                 46 – 53

Local Government Autonomy and the Nigeria Legal System: An Appraisal

Francis, N. Mbuba                                                                                                                    54 – 69

Influence of Marital Stress and Coping Strategies on Depression among Single

Parents in South-Eastern Nigeria

Mgbenkemdi, Ejike Hyacinth                                                                                                   70 – 77

Women Education as Impetus for Peace and National Unity

Adamu M., Hamidu M.Y. and Ibrahim A.I.                                                                               78 – 86

The Challenges of Economic Transformation in Africa: The Nigerian Experience

Arinze Ngwube and Uche Nebo                                                                                              87 – 96

Ex-Service Men and Governance in Nigeria the Case of the Fourth Republic

Ekiugbo, E.A. Akpoduado and Ekiugbo, O.C. Omena                                                              97 – 105

Analyzing the Boundary Paradigm between International Relations and International Politics in Political Science

Ishaku Hamidu and Musa Abubakar                                                                                       106 – 114

Micro Lending Schemes and Sustainable Women Empowerment in Nigeria

Anure Joseph K.                                                                                                                       115 – 121

The Role of National Health Insurance Scheme in Health Care Demand in Jos Central Nigeria

Dickson Vonke and Baba Sunday                                                                                            122 – 137

Individualism-Collectivism as Predictor of Altruism and Reciprocity among Nurses

Okonkwo E.A., Eze A.C., Okoro C.M., Echezona A.J.C. and Azike I.N.                                      138 – 150

Women’s Non–Participation in Adult Literacy Programmes in Borno State: An Analysis of Perceived Factors

Fatimah, Abdul-Mumin Sa’ad                                                                                                 151 – 171

ECOWAS and Trade Liberalisation: Challenges and the Way Forward

Akims, K.A.                                                                                                                              172 – 180

Sociological Explanation: Analysis of the Problems of Value in Theory Construction

Rasak Bamidele                                                                                                                       181 – 191


Rasak Bamidele

Department of Sociology and Psychology, 

Fountain University Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria.


Abstract: The core aspects of how Sociological Explanation and Interpretation characteristically operate are especially visible in what may be called “traditions of inquiry”. Such traditions form around substantive debates such as why capitalism emerged in Europe, or how social background affects individual performances on IQ tests. In debates like these, both differing approaches and contending paradigms account come into confrontation. There are three types of Paradigms in sociology; social fact paradigms, social definition and social behavioural paradigms. These paradigms have their various methods or an approach through which social reality is constructed. Constructing social reality or giving sociological explanation of any social situation does not present much difficulty, but the question of which explanation is scientific, or which paradigm(s) will represent a true knowledge or adequate analyses of social phenomena is the major problem of sociology. The study examines the different sociological paradigms (positivism and phenomenology) and the various explanations that emerge from them. It will also examine other sociological explanations that either belongs to the above two paradigms or does not fit into any of the paradigms. Also, attempt is made to identify some of the problems or limitations of sociological explanation-mostly the problems of conceptualization of social facts, problems of values or ideologies, subjectivity of action, measurement and relativism.


Akims, K.A.

Department of Economics

University of Jos, Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria.


Abstract: Although the ECOWAS Trade Liberalisation Scheme assures member states of numerous benefits, performance of the scheme is poor. This paper, ECOWAS and Trade Liberalisation: Challenges and the Way Forward examines the ECOWAS Trade Liberalisation Scheme and the journey so far vis-à-vis achieving a Free Trade Area in the West African sub-region. The paper identifies deficiency in infrastructure; a non diversified ECOWAS economy; and the absence of an efficient and effective payment mechanism particularly between Anglophone and Francophone countries, to be responsible for the poor performance and the envisioned rate of progress at liberalizing trade. The study therefore recommends that efforts should be directed at ensuring a sound infrastructural base, addressing administrative barriers at the ports with that of the borders, as well as considering the processing of agro-based industrial products since most industrial goods penetrating the West African trade region are processed agricultural commodities, if intra-regional trade was to achieve its objectives and ECOWAS was to stand a chance of jointly taking advantage of the opportunities of trade liberalization.


Fatimah, Abdul-Mumin Sa’ad

Department of Educational Foundation and Administration

Federal College of Education, Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria.


Abstract: This study is on perceived factors responsible for women non-participation in adult literacy programmes in Borno State. These factors include husbands, economic, and women social engagements. Others include socio-cultural, religious and women adult literacy programme-related problems. In this study each of these factors has been analysed in Borno State. The design for the study was a survey method. The study covered three Local Government Areas (LGA) in Borno State, which were Maiduguri Metropolitan Council (MMC), Biu Local Government Area and Monguno Local Government Area. Each of the three Local Government Areas selected represents the Central, Northern and Southern Borno Senatorial Districts respectively. They also represented the urban, semi-urban and rural Local Government Areas of Borno State. The researcher interviewed a total of 58 participants and 310 non-participants of the Adult Basic Literacy Programmes, making a total of 368 respondents. The data collected were analyzed using simple frequencies and percentages. The findings of the study showed that husbands and economic factors were clearly the two major factors perceived as barriers responsible for women non-participation in adult literacy classes in Borno State. Other perceived barriers were culture, religion, women’s social engagements, and women adult literacy-related problems such as the learning environment, learning and instructional materials, inadequate facilities in the centres, etc. Based on the findings of the study, recommendations were made among which include the followings; that traditional rulers, religious leaders and other influential persons should begin to re-socialize men, especially husbands, to accept the equality of women with men particularly as regards access to and participation in educational activities; that women’s adult literacy classes should be reorganized so that women are not mixed with men during lessons; that Government should provide shuttle buses to take women learners to and from literacy classes; that learning materials and working tools should be provided free to women learners.

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