Dajang Innocent Nasuk
Department of English
University of Jos, Jos
Deletion operations in English are a consequence of transformation in generative grammar. The paper is developed within the framework provided by generative grammar which presents us with a set of rules that will account for the well-formed expressions of a natural language. The aim is to explain the transformations that occur in deep structure that yield the surface structure sentences that we see, read and use in the functional context. It is hoped that a good knowledge of the underlying deep structure of sentences would result in a better and deeper understanding of language and improve a speaker’s competence and performance in language use and study. The paper considers deletion operations in the areas of Wh-Deletion, Agent Deletion, Equi-NP Deletion and For Deletion, Deletion under Identity, Simple Element Deletion, Complex Element Deletion, and Multiple Element Deletion. It is further hoped that an understanding of the rules of grammar and indeed the rules of deletion operations examined in this paper will help the learner of English predict correctly which expressions are grammatical and acceptable and also help the learner explain why certain expressions are considered ill-formed and not acceptable in grammar.
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